Weekly Charters:

July 31st, 2023 to August 6th, 2023

This week One More Charters ran a couple charters and completely turned it around, what a great week. The Lady fish were out and the Red and Spotted Sea Trout bite was on fire.

The first fishing charter of the week was awesome. While trying to catch our Lady fish for bait out on the flats, we hooked up on trout almost every single cast. This made the clients extremely happy to start catching some fish to bring home for dinner right off the bat of the fishing charter. We limited out on Trout, and caught a decent amount of Lady fish. After that, we head off to some spots to try and catch some Reds and Snook. We hooked up on two very nice reds and limited out on them as well. what a great day.

The Second Fishing charter of the week, was just as good. We caught Trout while trying to catch Lady fish and Then when we got to the spots for Reds and Snook a real treat happened. We doubled up on two beautiful reds. The kicker was that the school was so big there were other fish following the Reds on the line all the way up to the boat, it was awesome to experience for the clients.

Smiles for miles on this weeks fishing charters. Its a LIVIN KIND OF LIFESTYLE.


Weekly Charters:


Weekly Charters: